Friday, August 15, 2008

Meet the Teacher Day

So today was Meet the Teacher Day at school. For those of you who don't know, this is where students and parents can come to meet their teacher and see their classroom before the first day of school to make things a little easier. I have to admit that after all my whining, everything went relatively well. I seem to have a group of angelic girls, mostly good boys, and mostly nice parents. I know some of you are wondering about the afore mentioned dad...he was way worse than I thought he was going to be. He stayed in my room for an hour and doesn't seem to know what personal space is! He also told me while walking out the door, "You'll be seeing a lot of me!" Oh good. Aside from him, a very very sweaty dad that told me his son is a major behavior problem, and another dad who (in the most rednecked voice you can imagine) lectured his daughter about having been held back in front of the twin who wasn't, I think my class is going to be pretty good. 
You might have to enlarge the photo to see, but this is what their desks looked like for today. They had a welcome letter that told them what things to do and check out in the room, some info sheets to fill out, a bookmark, and a baggy of starbursts with a cheesy Super Star Second Grader message on it. 
This is me and my awesome suite mate, Melissa. Our classrooms are connected by a hallway where there is a drinking fountain and two bathrooms. When I first started teaching I was so worried about being connected to another room. I thought it would be too loud and I would be embarrassed to have another teacher see and hear everything I did. In truth, it is awesome! Melissa is so mellow like me, and we can run over real quick to each other to grab a material we forgot, watch each other's room for a bathroom break, or go make a copy or something. I admit that we also use each other to vent about some annoying child or, I don't know...a freakish dad! She has become a good friend, not to mention a great person to brainstorm and work with. 
This corner is where we do calendar and small reading groups. Notice the LCD projector and Elmo! Some rooms have had them, but now many of us do. This basically does away with overhead projectors because you can stick any paper under the elmo and it will project onto the screen.
Word Walls are for basic words the kids need to know how to spell frequently, i.e. because, favorite, etc. I did the shooting stars on the class work wall this year so each kid would have a permanent spot to display their work. The desks in front of it will be a listening center. 
This is my desk area and computer. The kids think it is so cool that I like Harry Potter! (See poster and hangy thing)
Those are their mailboxes and where I put extra worksheets and other papers. The table in front will be a spelling center where they can stamp, color, illustrate, and water color their spelling words to memorize them. Each center gets introduced slowly in the first few weeks which is why none of the stuff for them is out yet. This instead will be where they will dump all the school supplies that come in. And yes, Audra, I do let them keep their extra special supplies in their desks. Even the purple ones. 
I am hoping the first day of school goes smoothly! Cross your fingers for me. :)


Emily Parks said...

your class room looks great.

Grant and Taryn Layton said...

You are amazing! I can't believe how creative and thoughtful you are. Sounds like an interesting year you'll have :) Weird parents are the worst I'm sure. Keep up the pictures and updates, I love it!

KatieB said...

what a lot of work! i am so proud of you! you sound like such an amazing teacher. good luck with the weirdo dads... that sounds horrible!

Jenna said...

how fun! the kids are going to love you!

Audra Bollard said...

I'm so proud you haven't succumbed to "supplies communism."

I wish I could tell every parent at your Meet & Greet Night that they've just hit the teacher jackpot. Your kids are SO lucky to have you.

And, as if this comment isn't long enough, I think Katie & I just saw the shirt your suite mate is wearing at H&M this week. And, your new Banana pants look great!

Kirs:) said...

Your kids are so lucky to have you!!!! Your room looks great, you did an awesome job!
Good luck your first week, it looks like you might be getting Tuesday off :)

Erin said...

Danielle, I love your classroom. It looks huge! Is it huge? I am so happy I found your blog. I have really been wondering what you are up to and how you are doing. I've asked AJ and he says "good" I guess I really shouldn't ask him. Anyway, I am so happy you found me so I could find you. Prepare to be stalked!!!