Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day 4

Chris sent me this picture today with the caption, "Holy 3 1/2 hour nap, Batman!" I guess she woke up after an hour and a half but fell back asleep on him. He lives for those moments! I love the closeness that he and Lila have. If he's home, she usually could care less whether I pay her any attention or not. It's all about daddy! I'm glad she has him while I'm gone. Her curls are so cute in this picture...I'll have to talk with him about the hair in her face though! Someone needs to teach him how to do this girl's hair! :)  Chris took her to the grocery store this morning and mentioned he had the realization he hadn't had to shop for a full trip since the last time I was on bed rest. I drilled him to make sure he bought her healthy things! They played, napped then came to visit me. I love my time with them here even though I have to bribe Lila to sit with me or play. She was loving the phone and kept saying, "Heywo," her version of hello. She may or may not have broken it during this visit... I also read to her, then I put her little yogurt snacks up to my lips to try to get Lila to give me a kiss. She thought it was hilarious and it made my day.

Other than their visit, I had a thrilling day of laying in bed, taking a shower, watching TV, eating, getting poked, reading, get the idea! One of my doctors (I'm with a large practice that rotates who's on call) visited today and started talking about how I seemed steady and maybe being on strict bed rest at home soon. I asked if they were going to do an ultra sound first and she said maybe not, they'd just do one weekly in the dr's office. Now believe me, I want to go home badly, but I want this kid here more and I want to be smart about it. I told her about the perinatologist suggesting I stay here for a lot longer and the different threats that he saw. She quickly said that if that's what he suggested, she'd call him and look over my chart again. Never heard back.

It's so hard to know what to think. They have had me on Indomethacin which is a pill used short term to relax the uterus so it doesn't contract. To me, of course I look steady because the pills have stopped the few contractions I was having and they haven't even done an ultra sound to see if I've continued to shorten. I'm worried they will send me home in a couple days and I'll contract again when the med wears off or my cerclage will tear from the pressure on it, etc. Then I would just be readmitted to the hospital in maybe a worse condition and we start our insurance co pays all over again since it would be two separate visits.

No matter what, Lila will need to continue being watched at my friend's since I would not be able to do a thing for her, but if I'm at home then I would need to do everything for myself. Plus the weekly dr's visits mean I am sitting upright to drive the 30 mins there, up for the waiting room and appt, then the 30 min drive home. That's not great either. I'm hoping they put their heads together and come up with the best plan for the baby. If that's for me to go home, then I will be thrilled to be more comfortable but I worry about being super disciplined about staying down with Lila home in the evenings and all. I guess it's just more waiting.

On a positive note, my amazing husband brought me Hunger Games today, so now I have something fun to watch!

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Well Lila looked cutely dressed so Chris has some good style :)