Recently Lila and I had a little outing at a mall in Tampa. We had a fun day browsing and buying outfits for a friend having twins (yay Jenna!) I made a pit stop in the mother's lounge to feed and change Lila. Now I don't claim to be a brainiac by any means, but seriously?! Who puts a motion activated paper towel dispenser directly above the changing table? Really?

Lila thought it was the greatest thing since...well she doesn't know about sliced bread yet but she thought it was pretty fun. I couldn't help thinking of all the wasted paper towels over time. Just in the time it took me to change her diaper I threw away two arm loads of paper towels. Every time Lila kicked her little legs or waved her frantic arms more towels fluttered into her awaiting arms. Every time I moved, same result. Whose bright idea was that?!
Now, this really was a bright idea if I do say so myself.
Lila has issues with riding in the car. They have improved but it is still no fun being in the car with this girl. She hates being strapped into things and hates when she isn't moving. This makes traffic and red lights torture as I have mentioned in previous posts. My mom got Lila this awesome piano toy for Christmas. It is supposed to be tied to the crib or somewhere where the baby can kick it to make the notes and animal sounds play and little characters light up. It also has a mode to play songs continuously that change when different keys are kicked. I have been using it on the floor for her to push with her hands but it occurred to me that she could kick it in the car. It has helped tremendously! Thanks mom!

Finally, I am hoping that changing my hair is still a bright idea.
Most of my family and especially Chris are not so thrilled about the idea but after dragging my feet about who to go to and if I should really do it, I have a consultation scheduled for Friday. There is a consultation first because the girl cutting my hair is a friend of a friend and doing it for cheaper out of her house than in her salon so she needs to see my hair to know what dyes etc to use. I am hoping it goes well because I have heard red hair is hard to dye. I think the fact she wants a consult first is a good omen. We will see...
haha those pictures are hilarious! that really was a crazy idea to put a paper dispenser right there. guess it made it fun for Lila!
we hope to see you guys soon!!!
You and I have the same hair color and I have mine done frequently. I've never had a bad color job and I've gone to some cheap and some expensive places. It's always turned out just fine.
I think if you're antsy to try something new, go for it. It's good to shake things up now and then.
this cracked me up! I was literally laughing out loud!
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