I believe it started with me having the baby but having no memory of having had the baby. I couldn't remember my labor, delivery, how much she weighed...or her name! I remember being very concerned that I didn't know her weight. Maybe because I have been willing her to grow fast since I'm in a high risk pregnancy. Someone in my dream asked me her name and I had to think about it. Then I called her Aubrey. Chris and I have been planning on calling her Lila for months now!
Next in my dream, I was holding her and looked down to see that she was wearing a white onesie and was horrified at myself for not putting her in a cute outfit. This actually does make sense since I have been fantasizing about dressing this little girl ever since I found out the gender. The part that doesn't make sense is that in the process of trying to dress her (in a Christmas outfit, no less) I dropped her three times! I have never dropped a child! She didn't cry in my dream but I did look around to make sure no one saw me do it.
The last more coherent thing I remember from my dream is that I realized I hadn't fed her yet. Since I couldn't remember when she was born, I didn't know how long it had been since she had eaten but I knew it had been a while. I tried to breast feed her but had no idea what I was doing and didn't know if she was getting anything or not.
I woke up numerous times last night very upset and kept having to remind myself that they are only dreams! It is just so strange to me because I am not nervous (yet) about when she comes nor about my or Chris's abilities. Maybe my subconscious is having a little fun with me or something. Hopefully I will remember my child's name, dress her in appropriate clothing, NOT drop her, and be able to feed her! I am crossing my fingers for these dreams to end.
I really will take care of you little one, I promise! Just look at all the cute clothes waiting to be worn by your cuteness!

(Most of these clothes are courtesy of my awesome sister who happens to have a little girl of her own!) I can't wait until Chris finishes clearing out the office, soon to be nursery, so I can hang up all of these adorable clothes!
WOW! Can you say spoiled already? You will be a terrific mom I have no doubt. Aunt Nila
Don't you fret, those dreams are normal. I had a dream that I had the CUTEST little boy, but he came out African American. I was afraid that no one would believe me that I was the mom, so I left before the nurse came back in and never knew his stats! Then someone asked how big he was and I just made something up. And then someone asked about how he was doing and I realized that I had left him at the store! So don't worry about it. Most of those things haven't come true for me. :) You'll be a great mom!
i had so many bad dreams when i was pregnant! bad and weird ones! so i think it just comes along with being prego and all these new things happening to ya. cute clothes. i cant wait to see little lila! post more pics of your bump!
So crazy! Glad you realize it was all just a dream. You guys are going to be fantastic parents, I can't wait to see pictures and hear real stories about you dressing her in cute clothes!
Missed you tons this weekend...even slept in your bed for one night. It wasn't the same without you!!! All this World Cup has also made me miss you lots, it reminds me of watching it in the BYU bookstore during EFY with you!! So many memories.
PS- you need to post another belly pic, I'm sure you're SO cute... but don't stand up too long to take the pic beacuse I know you're supposed to be lying down!
awesome pile of clothes. and don't worry...you'll be a great mom!
This post made me laugh so hard. I'm not laughing AT you...it was just SOO funny!! I have no doubt you will be a super mom!!!
you will be a great mom! izzy has the green daisy dress too, it will look adorable on little lila!
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