Friday, April 3, 2009

I'm Leaving On An Airplane

No more teachers
No more books
No more teachers' dirty looks

Oh wait, I am the teacher who probably was giving dirty looks to all the over excited 2nd graders who so desperately needed a break like two weeks ago. All I know is... San Diego, here I finally come!

(Anyone recognize the the rhyme as being from Anne of Avonlea? Maybe it's just me that thinks about these movies.) 


Grant and Taryn Layton said...

YEAH!!!! Can't wait to hang out next week :)

KatieB said...

oh i recognized it all right...

Kirs:) said...

Have a great time!! Think of me when your walking around La Jolla and shopping at Trader Joe's:)

Jen's Life said...

Hope you have a great time in San Diego. Too bad I'm not there so we could get together. Maybe someother time... :(