Despite this chick's round cheeks, she has always been pretty petite. Her weight has never been above the 30th percentile though her height has always been above the 50th. When people ask me how old she is, they never fail to comment on how small she seems for her age. This, of course is worrisome to a first time mom!
I took her to the Dr. last week at 7 months (should have been her 6 mo. check up but we are off because of an insurance misunderstanding...meaning they wanted to charge me over $2000 when we owed nothing. Don't worry, Chris was all over that!) Anyway, she is healthy but dropped from the 26th to the 8th percentile in weight! She dropped in height percentile too but not by as much. The Dr. didn't seem too concerned but wants me to bring her back in at the end of this month for a weight check to see if she is still dropping.
He said it could just be her slimming down more like a lot of 6 to 7 mo. olds do, genetics (Chris's family, especially the girls, are all very long and lean) or I may need to supplement with some formula because my milk supply is down or she has lost interest. He also mentioned she may be getting too full on food which doesn't have the high fat that my milk does.
So, I bought that YoBaby whole milk yogurt and am trying to have her nurse more but she doesn't seem to want more. I am also giving her more oatmeal cereal mixed with formula than I was before. Any other suggestions? I am thinking I will probably have to give her some formula, which I'm fine with except for the fact that she won't take a bottle and hasn't mastered the sippy yet! Should be interesting.
Enough of that. Here's what we all know this blog needs more of... pictures of Lila!
Gotta love this yoga like pose. I think she is trying to get into a sitting position.
I had no idea Chris dressed in blue this day and did not intentionally coordinate Lila and myself but it made for a cute family picture after meeting for lunch one Friday.
More pool days. Which means more swim suits! :)
I know, I know, babies don't need hair bows at the pool. Well, mine does. Don't worry, when we got there I took it off and put a hat on.
I know she has food on her face but my mom wants pictures of her clothes, so this one made the cut!
Love those baby blues!
Getting Lila kisses! (Leg of the coffee table got in Chris's way)
Lila loves books already. Makes this mamma proud!
Look out! Someone has been getting up on her knees a lot lately. I can't wait to see this girl on the move. Did I just say that?
NEVER let them tell you the percentiles. I'm totally serious. I tell the doctors all the time, "Don't give me percentiles unless you have a serious concern about something." The percentile thing is a bunch of nonsense that ends up freaking parents, especially new parents, out.
It doesn't matter Danielle. Lila is a sweet, adorable, happy and healthy baby, so who cares about percentiles. Do yourself a favor...forget about the percentile thing. You can keep track of her height and weight for your own records, but beyond that I wouldn't care.
She is such a cutie pie.
So cute! Miss that little girl! David always was very low in percentile his first 9-10 months. My doctor said to add a scoop of formula to his food and also some drops of olive oil. It ended up working great. He gained like 2 lbs in 2 weeks. Maybe that will give you some ideas! Hope everything is going ok!
I had the total opposite problem- Isabella and Tommy were chunky monkeys!! Isabella is super tall and skinny now though and Tommy's just normal so see they do change so much. I don't think you have too much to worry about. But, if you are looking to add a little weight you could try avocados. Their soft so you can mush them up and they have lots of "good" fat in them too!!
Also, love that rainbow ruffle skirt in the first pic. If they had that in Isabella's size, I would totally get it!!
Lila is just so adorable!! I love all of her adorable outfits and her beautiful eyes! I cannot wait till it gets warm out here so I can dress Stella in cute summer dresses and swim suits!
my babies were all long and lean. izzy especially had her fair share of weight checks. don't stress at all. at this point she'll go heavy on the solids and the yobaby and that's when my kinds all started to chunk up a bit. as long as she's thriving and meeting her milestones her weight is no biggie.
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