Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Hairy Situation

One can't help but take notice that after giving birth, many women change their hair. This almost never turns out well. I have never understood why women hack off perfectly good locks. Now however, I understand completely.

My body is not doing what I want it to do. So much so that for the first time I can remember, I have zero desire to buy clothing for myself. Sad, I know. So, I'm going to do what any wise woman would do. Work out? Diet? No. I am going to dye and cut my hair. I need something to look different. Some of you may wonder why this is blog worthy (I'm still not sure that it is but it's 1am and I'm letting Lila "cry it out" so I can't sleep and what better to do?) Anyway, I have had basically the same hair my whole life. I chopped it off up to my shoulders once in high school and it looked horrendous so I promptly grew it right back out. I highlighted it once before I got married in the home of a lady I worked for and it was barely noticeable. That is the extent of my hair adventures. I'm always jealous of the people who dye their hair all the time and change their look. I have never been brave enough and maybe I was too cheap for it.

I want to go blond. I know it is winter and most people go darker, but my hair hasn't seen the sun much in a year due to bed rest and Lila's white newborn skin, and it is already too dark for my taste. So, blond it is. I don't think I will go completely blond because that would just make me look kind of weird but I want to be more blond than red. As for the cut, I can't cut too much off due to my round face and Chris's threat to come home with a dog if I do. (Sorry dog lovers.) I think I will go with a swooped bang, a few inches off the bottom, more layers and maybe a little thinned out. I've been watching all the different make over shows on TV and they all seem to think long hair is not that flattering. Guess I've been out of the loop on that one for a really long time. Bummer.

Now I just need to find someone to do it who won't make me cry when it's over- whether it's when I look in the mirror or pay the bill. I hope I don't end up being one of the many who should have just left their hair alone. At least Lila is too young to be embarrassed by me just yet!


Kira said...

Hooray! Do it! I LOVE changing my hair-- just hate paying for it. I can't wait to see pictures. When I need hair perfection, I go to Donna at Le Salon Rouge. She's amazing, and isn't TOO pricey... ($35 for haircut is only a LITTLE pricey). Good luck.

JennyLeighP said...

I have so friends who used to work at Toni & Guy! They aren't nearly as expensive now that they work somewhere else! A lot of them are at the Hot Spot. Lt me know if you want any names and numbers! So exciting! I'm about to go blond too once I get to Fl!

Jenna said...

oh my goodness danielle! this is awesome! right when i saw your post title i was thinking ooooo nooo chris is going to bring home a dog!! haha. i hope you find a good stylist! i can not wait to see pictures!!! :)

Clay & Sara said...

You will look great! What the heck, go for it!! You deserve to pamper yourself!!!

Elise said...

Good luck! I bet it will look so good! Be careful, though. I went for a trim, and she cut 7 inches off. Told her below the shoulders, she cut above the shoulders. It's finally TO my shoulder... 2 months later. Have someone GOOD do it and be specific. Can't wait to see it!!!

Jon + Kat said...

Do it! I always freak when I go for a drastic change--which I always go for--but then wish I went a little more drastic! My favorite thing for myself after baby two was comfy loose shirts which were thankfully in style! My arms expanded while nursing, so anything to hide those bad boys made me feel cuter! I expect pictures when you do the new look!

Annalisa said...

so did you do it? pictures please. i'm sure its adorable!