It's that time again...time to get fat, nauseous and lazy but excited! Baby #2 is coming end of November! We are so excited but I feel like I have so much to do! I have to get a cerclage next week like I did with Lila but won't be on severe bed rest like last time. I just have to be careful how much I walk and I can't lift heavy things...including Lila. That should be interesting! I am not looking forward to getting a spinal and an IV for the cerclage, but am thankful for the medical advancements we have so I can keep my pregnancies. Luckily my mom is coming to the rescue like she always does and will be here while I heal for a week and a half!
We are excited for Lila to have a sibling and can't wait to find out what we're having! I go back and forth on whether Lila will be excited to have a distraction in the house, or whether she'll be horribly mean to the little one. It could go either way! :) I have a pre-op next Tues and should be able to see the baby again! Can't wait!
2 months ago